I love new Doom Patrol weeks. Love. Them. The only thing that makes it any better is when the issue of Doom Patrol is exceptional, as Doom Patrol (v6) #5 is. You can check my review of it out over on Comicosity. I won't repeat any of that stuff here, save for a quick quote.
Doom Patrol #5 is the first time Larry Trainor, Cliff Steele, Flex Mentallo, Casey Brinke, Sam Reynolds, Danny, and Fugg are all brought together. So, in a sense, this is the first true issue of the new volume of the Doom Patrol. And it’s so damn fun. So much happens in this issue that by the end of it, it feels like a collected edition.
There. That's done. Now, here's the link for the corresponding Waiting for Doom episode.
Celebrate good times as we cover a brand new issue! There are spoilers and swear words in this one, so consider yourself warned! LET'S GET PATROLLING!
Down on Derington Way - 8:03Doom Clock - 11:45Doomsplaining - 15:51 - It's time for a brand new issue! HUZZAH! We cover issue 5 of volume 6, from Gerard Way and Nick Derington! Mailbag O Doom - 41:19 - We read your responses to the question, "What is your favourite fictional vehicle?"
And here's the images of the issue. With one exception, I'm just going to share panels, not pages. So let's get going on the issue that brings the Whole Patrol (and then some) back together.
Standard issue Derington cover. |
The variant cover by Farel Dalrymple. |
The creative team behind the dream. |
Captain Trainor suiting up. |
Danny is reunited with his old friends. |
The despair upon Dannyland. |
Nice. |
Lotion, pre-werepuddy. |
Single best image in the whole darn issue. |
Drink? |
Niles Caulder. Always intrusive. |
The good stuff. If the inevitable plush Fugg doesn't come with "the good stuff," I'm going to wait for the deluxe version. |
Jane's back. |
Since the issue is so very recent, I'm trying to preserve the sanctity of the content while sharing its awesomeness. That's not an easy balancing act. I want to show you everything, but if you really want to see everything, then why don't you just buy the issue?
One last thing before closing this up, this piece from Way's Instagram:
And the text of the post, in case it's too small for you (plus the scroll doesn't work in the image). The gang is almost all together, for now.Every time you hold an issue in your hands, you can remember where you were in your life at that moment. One thing I’ll always remember about this issue is that this is where I became completely comfortable writing this book. As a piece of advice right around issue 3, when I was really struggling, Grant Morrison told me that he doesn’t really get comfortable writing a series until about issue 4, and issue 4 was probably the hardest for me to write, but once I got through that everything started to move a lot faster, and I had a lot more confidence—I felt like I knew what I was doing. I had a tremendous amount of fun writing this one, and the issue that follows it. Again, I want to thank everyone for their dedication and patience in allowing us to get the book right. I feel we are getting closer to the schedule getting more regular again, and we’re doing our best to make that happen. Next week, we’ll get an awesome Director’s Cut of Issue 1, so be on the lookout for that.On the left, you’ll see the metallic version of the awesome main cover by Nick Derington, followed by the remarkable variant by Farel Darlymple, and then the regular (also awesome!) non-metallic cover to the main.Farel and I went to school together in NYC at The School of Visual Arts, and not only is he an awesome human but also an incredible artist.We also get another little gem from Brandon Bird in the back of the issue, the newest installment of Bane’s Coloring Corner, a somewhat presidential one.Lots of love
The team killed it on this one, and here they are:Credits:DOOM PATROL #5Written by Gerard Way (I mean I did ok)Art and cover by Nick DeringtonColors by Tamra BonvillainLetters by Todd KleinVariant cover by Farel Dalrymple"Bane’s Coloring Corner" by Brandon Bird
So there you have it, fellow Patrollers. Doom Patrol (v6) #5.
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