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Nothing gets me more annoyed faster....

Nothing annoys me faster then finding a really great piece of clothing in a magazine, tracking it down and then finding that it's not on the website it's meant to be on. Grazia and Look magazine are the worst offenders for it!
I just spent twenty minutes looking for this jumper which is listed as being on matchesfashion.com and it's not there - in fact the designer in question isn't even stocked by the companies website!!!
Groan! I get so annoyed! It's an old trick though. Editors want a certain item because it fits with the page, like anything metallic if the story is about metallics. They don't care if an item is old or possibly from a couple of seasons ago. They dig it out of their closets for another go and then list the store where it was bought - almost three seasons ago!
Irritating! Which is why I think blogs have the edge on magazines because blogs are so recent adn everything is updated so quickly that item is nearly always current. Prehaps magazines should spent a little more time making sure every item is currently on sale...after all they are meant to be competing with blogs are they not?

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